Approval is not locking the record

Hi Team,

I am implementing the approval in my custom section with three stages in a case as attached. User was able to edit the record field when the approval is in progress. I have made the approval step as required in the stage but no success. Please suggest. I have tried adding a new approval record and approval task in business process and linked the business process in my stage but no success. 



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The approval itself does not lock the record, it is just a step needed to go to the next stage. Your idea with the access rights element would be the best way to achieve the desired outcome. You can add a change access rights element along with the approval element (you can make both required for the same stage), that will remove edit access rights from all users except from the owner, for example. Then you can add another change access rights element, that will distribute the edit rights to the users, once the approval is received.


Best regards,


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