How to do paging in Gridview in bpm online
How to implement the paging in grid view like this
Dear Kishore,
Unfortunately, this is not possible to achieve due to the nature of system architecture. The logic for pages are stored deep in the core and are spread through various schemas, having other functionality and processes depend on it.
Dear Kishore,
System logic is built the way, that certain amount of records, e.g. 30 records in the Section page, are rolled out at first. Next 30 will appear if you will manually scroll down. I can offer you to draw your attention to the folders functionality. Hence, if you have 100 records, you can create 10 folders, lets say 1-10, 11-20, etc., and store ten records in each folder. This way only needed amount of records will be displayed at once on the screen. Unfortunately, I cannot think of any other more elegant way to fit your requirements.
Dear Kishore,
You can use static folder and manually add records, or you can create set of dynamic folders and group records by created on column into daily/weekly/monthly folder. Everything depends on how often records will be added and it what quantity, since if you will have many records in a day, it will be hard to add them manually, but much easier to set a folder with a filter.Pick which one better suits your needs. Here is more info on the folders: