
Add Business Rules for List View Page in Section

Right now if you add a filtration business rule to a record page in a section, it only filters the options for the column on a record page. If you close the record and look at the list view and click filters/folders, all of the column's options are available as opposed to only the filtered options that were available in the record page.

Use case example: If you want portal users to only be able to see a select few accounts in the system, you can apply a business rule on the portal cases record page to filter the accounts column so that portal user can only see the accounts you want them to. However, if that portal user goes to the main portal cases section in the list view and opens a new filter on accounts, the menu for setting up the filter shows ALL accounts they have access to.

The only solution right now is to manage by records and take away access to the account records you don't want them to see. This can be cumbersome to manage. It might be nice to have the option to apply field filter business rules that work on the list view for the section.


Dear Mitch,

I have forwarded your request to our business analysts. They will evaluate the possibility of implementation in future system releases. Thank you for the idea! 

Best regards,


Dear Mitch,

You've described the right way to achieve your goal. Records have to be managed using access rights. Other ways are insecure.

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