Hi Team,


I urgently need one solution for how we can highlight or apply background color to a specific word in the sentence that is modified.


For example : There is one string field in section. On record creation , the value is entered in the field - 'This is a example.' and record is saved.


Now, later if the user modifies the value to 'This is an example'., the changed field value should be highlighted in the following manner which means only the specific word that is changed is highlighted in color.



Please provide some solution for this.







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Hello Sarika,


There is no such oob functionality, implementation of this idea will require development. Unfortunately, we do not have any ready to use examples of how it can be achieved with code. 


I have forwarded your idea to our responsible R&D team to consider it's implementation in the upcoming versions of the Application. 


Thank you for helping us to make our application better!


Best regards,



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