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I've this query and i would like to translate to ESQ, so far i managed to create this:
but i'm having this error: "uncaught exception: Collection item with name SysUserInRole not found".
I would like to know, why i'm getting this error? Is there a way to fix it? And if there is a better way to do that?
Best regards,
Pedro Pinheiro.
Hi Pedro, Seems like in your snippet you are setting brackets '[]' in wrong order. Systems tries to add column 'SysUserInRole' to the query which does not exist. I assume that you need to change it for the following: esq.addColumn("=[SysUserInRole:SysUser].SysRole", "Role") To make it more clear I have put together an example:
var esq = this.Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", { rootSchemaName: "SysAdminUnit" }); esq.addColumn("Name"); esq.addColumn("Contact.Name"); esq.addColumn("=[SysUserInRole:SysRole].SysUser"); var currentUserFilter = this.Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter( this.Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "=[SysUserInRole:SysRole].SysUser", Terrasoft.SysValue.CURRENT_USER.value); esq.filters.addItem(currentUserFilter); esq.getEntityCollection(function(response) { debugger; }, this);
This example generates following sql query:
exec sp_executesql N' SELECT [SysAdminUnit].[Id] [Id], [SysAdminUnit].[Name] [Name], [Contact].[Name] [Contact.Name], [SysUserInRole].[SysUserId] [SysUserInRole.SysUserId], [SysUser].[Name] [SysUser.Name] FROM [dbo].[SysAdminUnit] [SysAdminUnit] WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[Contact] [Contact] WITH(NOLOCK) ON ([Contact].[Id] = [SysAdminUnit].[ContactId]) LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[SysUserInRole] [SysUserInRole] WITH(NOLOCK) ON ([SysUserInRole].[SysRoleId] = [SysAdminUnit].[Id]) LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[SysAdminUnit] [SysUser] WITH(NOLOCK) ON ([SysUser].[Id] = [SysUserInRole].[SysUserId]) WHERE [SysUserInRole].[SysUserId] = @P1',N'@P1 uniqueidentifier',@P1='7F3B869F-34F3-4F20-AB4D-7480A5FDF647'
Hope it helps! Regards, Dmytro