I want to create a process whose trigger is the entry of a user through the SSO interface for initial connection and then I will build the process regarding permissions for each user. Can help with how my process trigger should be? 



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Unfortunately, it is not possible to trigger the process after successful logging due to how new sessions are added to the system. They are not adding through Entity logic, which is why they will not trigger process triggers.


For example, by reading from User Session object, you can find the last authorization to the system (and other information about this session):



But such a signal will not trigger due to the behavior that I mentioned earlier:


Such a solution is possible only by using some custom development.


Kyrylo Atamanenko,


can I ask you In the business process I am creating, do I use an element  (modify data) that updates the user's permissions (Organizational roles). is it possible? If possible, what object is this? 

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