I have an editable list and there are some validations. Due to usability issue, we want it back to the normal detail form with a card schema. The records to the detail are added via multiselect lookup. Is there a way to convert this detail to a normal detail while having source as a multi select lookup?
We have sometimes issues with schema generation and/or compilation.
When we update the system (for example 8.0.0 to 8.0.1) , we can easily find the logs related to generating schemas in the update logs.
But when in "normal conditions", which logs (log names) both in the web app and in the logs folders on Windows should we looking at (to follow progress, to identify any issues) when:
1. Generating schemas
2. Compiling
Any other way to (console debug) to troubleshoot these 2 scenarios ?
All needed application logs for shema generation and compilation can be found in the folder C:\Windows\Temp\Creatio folder. You need to restore the logs and make the following query for your list:
PostgreSQL: Select * from "tablename" where "Logger"='Build' order by "Date" desc limit 200
MSSQL: Select top 200 * from "tablename" (nolock) where Logger"='Build' order by "Date" desc
Yes we know we can find all the application logs in that folder.
There are multiple different logs. Concerning schema generation and compilation, we have find a couple different ones showing up in the past, not always all of them, which sometimes show up after quite a while of generating, and it's hard to say if we need to let the system running or if the system is just stuck...
Please let me reiterate the question: ..... Could you share two full list of of possible application logs file names [for all 3 DBs : MSSQL, PostgreSQL & Oracle] pertaining to:
1. Schema Generation (for example if you just click on "Generate all schemas") and
2. Compilation (if you click on "Compile all")
Thank you for the SQL scripts:
1) Can you share the script for Oracle ?
(yes, their is a 3rd database that you support.. and if not possible to do it with Oracle, indicate specifically that there no script possible. We never know if it is not possible with Oracle, if you forget to provide the information, the latter happens more often)
2) I can be mistaken here: doesn't the table the "build" only show "compilation" information, not schema generation ? For example, if we only do a schema generation (no compilation), will we find information there ?
For a specific page schema, the metadata of the page differs from Dev and Test env. The nr of rows is the same , but the content isnt. Is this supposed to be correct ?
Please be informed that the sole fact of the schemas being a bit different is not a problem, the question is does it cause any actual issues to the performance of the site? Also, please specify if the Test env is a full copy of Dev and if so, was that schema present on the Test env before copying? Also, did you make any changes to the schemas yourself?
Parameter IsLocked mainly affects if you can edit the schema or the package. Only the author of the lock can edit these elements. In the database, this author isn't mentioned and you can see only IsLocked.
The system will check the author on the other level.
I'm trying to install a package using update from file system. After the installation everything is added successfully, except for some objects which have the following status (Source code update required).
I tried the following commands but nothing happens.
The structure of the object in the database is modified successfully but this message is displayed again.
I tried the recommendations you sent but it still did not work. This happened because I was using the landing version and the package version was newer ( After downgrading the package version everything was compiled successfully.
Thank you for the quick response but this isn't exactly what I'm looking for, it sure is a great start for beginners!
What I'm looking for is like an "extended" list. If I want to enable or disable an item, I would be adding the ' "enable": true ' to the diff. This is nowhere to be found on the second link.
While programming I found bits and pieces of information of these properties in different posts, but I'm looking for something more complete in one place.
If anyone knows or has made a list like this, please let me know!