I'm just wondering how to remove the customer need (LeadType) on the opportunity mini-page. The problem is that this customer need field is getting dynamically set with a method on a third-party module. With that being said I can not edit the module and take out the code where it is being set. It is part of the CoreLeadOpportunity package. It is getting set in this code.

			addQueryColumns: function(insertQuery) {
				this.addLookupQueryColumn(insertQuery, {
					columnName: "Account",
					entityColumnName: "QualifiedAccount"
				this.addLookupQueryColumn(insertQuery, {
					columnName: "Contact",
					entityColumnName: "QualifiedContact"
				this.addLookupQueryColumn(insertQuery, {
					columnName: "LeadType",
					entityColumnName: "LeadType"

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Please create a replacing client module for the OpportunityMiniPage schema. Then remove the fields which aren't needed in the diff block in the newly created replacing client module. Please feel free to use the example below. Note that the isRequired property of the LeadType attribute must be set to false.

define("OpportunityMiniPage", [],

        function() {

    return {

        entitySchemaName: "Opportunity",

        mixins: {


        attributes: {

            "LeadType": {"isRequired": false}


        methods: {



        diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[


                "operation": "remove",

                "name": "LeadType"







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Hi all,

I follow the document in academy to create a custom marketing element https://academy.bpmonline.com/documents/technic-sdk/7-13/adding-custom-transition-flow-new-campaign-element

  • In the section 6 (CREATING THE CAMPAIGNCONNECTORMANAGER REPLACING MODULE FOR ADDING THE FLOW OPERATION LOGIC), it said “create a new module schema replacing the CampaignConnectorManager”
  • I can’t create a “replacing client module“ with another name “TestSmsCampaignConnectorManager”
  • And I can’t inherit that module when I create a module, system said “Substitution of modules is not allowed”. After saved, the parent object “CampaignConnectorManager” will remove when refresh page.

So, what can I do?

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In order to override the CampaignConnectorManager module you can create a new module and use "override" as it showed on the screenshot by the link below 


In order to activate the newly created module, you need to define it according to the documentation by the link below.


Best regards,


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