I know the Modified By field shows the last to modify a case.

I'm trying to find out how I can track users who may have modified a case multiple times.


If User A modifies a case, the User B modifies the same case, I want to be able to track (either exporting to excel or in a graph/dashboard) and record that User A did modify that case, even if User B was the last to do so.


Is this possible? Every combination I can come up with seems to only track the last to modify a case.

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You can set logging up on the object (and specific columns) under 'change log' although I am not sure how easy it is to export from there. Alternatively you could create a detail/section linked to Case (Case Audit) and have a business process that writes specific changes (like modified by) when a record is modified.

Hi Jason,

To track multiple modifications by different users in the "Case" section, enable the change log and add all the columns you need to monitor for modifications.

Rob Watson,

Thank you, I'm working with the logging now.

Goparna Nasina,

Thank you, working with the logging now.

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