
Unfortunately, when we try to sync the data it doesn’t seem to be going across. We can’t use our phones while the data is syncing, and even after leaving it for 3/4+ hours nothing seems to have gone across. There is no error message or anything we can see, but it may have something to do with the amount of data we need to transfer. Is there any way of only selecting certain data to ring across for each user?


 A synchronization period depends on the data volume within the system.

Use mobile application without automatic synchronization. You can use an Online mode for your mobile application. 

To do this:

1) Open the “Mobile application operation mode” system setting

2) Set the “Online” value

This variant is usually recommended if you have a constant access to the Internet.

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By default, the mobile application displays only opportunities owned by the current user. It is necessary to remove this filter.


To disable the filter, you need to create a MobileApplicationManifestDefaultWorkplace replacement object (created automatically if you change columns in the mobile application wizard) and fill it with the following code:

    "SyncOptions": {
        "SysSettingsImportConfig": [],
        "ModelDataImportConfig": [
                "Name": "Opportunity",
                "SyncFilter": null
    "Modules": {},
    "Models": {}

Save the manifest, clear cache in the mobile application.

Necessary conditions

Administrator rights, bpm'online 7.6+

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How to sync bpm'online 7.5 with the mobile application version? The following error occurs during synchronization:


To sync bpm’online sales with the mobile version you need to download app from Android market or AppStore and in the Bpm'online server address you need to type the name of the website of your bpm’online system e.g. if the address of my bpm’online system is then I need to specify exactly the same address in that line also providing my login and password.

As far as I see on your screenshot you have specified Bpm'online server address as http://indarwiguna:84/ - it seems to me that the address is incorrect because I didn’t find such a URL in our internal system + it should always include bpm’ ending. So try to specify a correct server address and you will be able to access the mobile app.

Additionally, you can set up a Mobile App in the bpm’online 7.5 version, you can set up sections’ lists and pages the way you would like them to be displayed on a mobile device. Go to the System Designer section, scroll down the page and open Mobile application wizard to make needed settings.

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  • Install the “debug” application build on an android device
  • Connect to a computer, enable debugging for this computer
  • Launch Chrome
  • Connect to the device

To view the tables in offline mode, perform the following queries in the console:

Terrasoft.Sql.DBExecutor.executeSql({sqls: ["Select * FROM Activity WHERE Id <> '28062807-98b1-40a6-b023-bc6723818506' "], success: function(result) {console.log(result[0].rows.item(0));}})

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I am not getting remote devices option in chrome to debug my mobile app. Could you please help me to setup mobile application debugger? It's bit urgent.

parul jain,


As we can see - you already have a registered case within Creatio Support.

We are working on resolving it from our and we will return to you shortly within the communication channels of the beforementioned case.

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Bpm'online mobile bug report

Type: Terrasoft.SourceCodeException 

Message: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'sort' of undefined 

AdditionalInfo: Script: file:///storage/emulated/0/BPMonline700/AppStructure/rev_0/src/MobileLeadModuleConfig.js?hash=058621bb-36bc-409c-95da-167a0401cfa9%0D%0A%09Line: 160


The application has been deployed incorrectly.


Run the following script:

INSERT INTO SysLookup (Id, Name, IsSimple, SysEntitySchemaUId)
VALUES ('FFB52150-F36B-1410-4893-1C6F65E16A07', 'InformationSource', 1, 'D3E76DCB-EB9F-494B-B5D9-0643E5418BEB')


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I have got this error on the desktop client as well, however all I've done since the page that now throws this error was working was make some basic changes in the section wizard.

That insert script contains IDs and values which make it seem not very transferable - how do you know which values to populate there? Will it be the same fix for me?

Edit: tried the above, but the record already existed in my DB. Deleted the record (after backing it up) and ran the INSERT statement, but the problem persists.

Edit2: exporting the package, deleting it from the config screen, then re-importing the package (using Settings > Applications > Installed applications) appears to have solved the issue - not sure why but just in case anyone else is experiencing this issue that might be worth a try. Note that this does make the package un-editable.

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