I have created a signal-based Business Process that fires on modifying the data in Opportunity.


To Read the Email Template I write the following code:

using System;
	using System.Collections.Generic;
	using System.Linq;
	using Newtonsoft.Json;
	using Terrasoft.Common;
	using Terrasoft.Configuration;
	using Terrasoft.Configuration.Utils;
	using Terrasoft.Core;
	using Terrasoft.Core.Configuration;
	using Terrasoft.Core.DB;
	using Terrasoft.Core.Entities;
	using Terrasoft.Core.OperationLog;
	using SystemSettings = Terrasoft.Core.Configuration.SysSettings;
	public class EmailTemplateManager
		private UserConnection _userConnection;
		private MacrosHelperService _macrosService;
		private readonly Dictionary<Guid, Entity> _cachedTemplates = new Dictionary<Guid, Entity>();
		public EmailTemplateManager(UserConnection userConnection) : base() {
			_userConnection = userConnection;
			MacrosHelperV2 macrosHelper = new GlobalMacrosHelper();
			macrosHelper.UserConnection = userConnection;
			_macrosService = new MacrosHelperService(macrosHelper, userConnection);
		public string GetEmailTemplateSchemaName() {
			return _userConnection.GetFeatureState("EmailMessageMultiLanguage") == 0
				? "EmailTemplate"
				: "EmailTemplateLang";
		public string GetTemplateBody(Guid recordId, Guid templateId) {
			var template = GetTemplate(templateId);
			if(template != null) {
				var schemaName = GetSchemaNameFromId(template.GetTypedColumnValue<Guid>("ObjectId"));
				var body = this.GetTemplateBody(new MacrosHelperServiceRequest
					EntityId = recordId,
					EntityName = schemaName,
					TemplateId = templateId
				return body;
			return string.Empty;
		public string GetTemplateBody(MacrosHelperServiceRequest request) {
			MacrosHelperServiceResponse template = null;
			string body = string.Empty;
			if (_userConnection.GetIsFeatureEnabled("EmailMessageMultiLanguageV2")) {
				template = _macrosService.GetMultiLanguageTextTemplate(request);
				body = template.TextTemplate;
			} else {
				template = _macrosService.GetMultiLanguageTextTemplate(request);
				body = template.TextTemplate;
			return body;
		public string GetTemplateSubject(MacrosHelperServiceRequest request) {
			MacrosHelperServiceResponse template = _macrosService.GetMultiLanguageTextTemplate(request);
			string title = template.SubjectTemplate;
			return title;
		private bool IsNeedChangeMacrosCulture() {
			return _userConnection.GetIsFeatureEnabled("UseMacrosAdditionalParameters")
				&& _userConnection.GetIsFeatureEnabled("EmailMessageMultiLanguageV2");
		public string GetTemplateSubject(Guid recordId, Guid templateId) {
			var template = GetTemplate(templateId);
			if(template != null) {
				var schemaName = GetSchemaNameFromId(template.GetTypedColumnValue<Guid>("ObjectId"));
				return GetTemplateSubject(new MacrosHelperServiceRequest
					EntityId = recordId,
					EntityName = schemaName,
					TemplateId = templateId
			return string.Empty;
		private string GetSchemaNameFromId(Guid objectId) {
			if(objectId != Guid.Empty) {
				var selectQuery  = new Select(_userConnection)
									.IsEqual(Column.Parameter(objectId)) as Select;
				return selectQuery.ExecuteScalar<string>();
			return string.Empty;
		public Entity GetTemplate(Guid id) {
			Entity template;
			if (_cachedTemplates.ContainsKey(id)) {
				template = _cachedTemplates[id];
			} else {
				var esq = new EntitySchemaQuery(_userConnection.EntitySchemaManager, GetEmailTemplateSchemaName());
				esq.Filters.Add(esq.CreateFilterWithParameters(FilterComparisonType.Equal, "Id", id));
				template = esq.GetEntity(_userConnection, id);
				_cachedTemplates.Add(id, template);
			return template;


To call this class in the Business Process I used this code:

	var userConnection = GetUserConnection();
	var emailManager = new EmailTemplateManager(userConnection);
	var templateId = Get<Guid>("TemplateId");
	var recordId = Get<Guid>("RecordId");
	var subject = emailManager.GetTemplateSubject(recordId, templateId);
	var body = emailManager.GetTemplateBody(recordId, templateId);
	Set<String>("Body", body);
	Set<String>("Subject", subject);
catch(Exception ex){
	Set<String>("Subject", ex.Message);
	Set<String>("Body", ex.StackTrace);
return true;



To get the UserConnection in the background I used this Code:

private UserConnection GetUserConnection(){
	return Get<UserConnection>("UserConnection");


Here is the error I get:

Error Message: Error creating an instance of the "Terrasoft.Configuration.ILanguageIterator" class 

Stack Trace:   at Terrasoft.Core.Factories.ClassFactory.GetInstance[T](Func`1 action)
  at Terrasoft.Configuration.MLangContentFactory.GetContentKit(String iteratorTagName, String storeTagName)
  at QTECX.Email.EmailTemplateManager.GetTemplateSubject(String schemaName, Guid recordId, Guid tplId)
  at QTECX.Email.EmailTemplateManager.GetTemplateSubject(Guid recordId, Guid templateId)
  at Terrasoft.Core.Process.QTXTestEmailProcessMethodsWrapper.ScriptTask1Execute(ProcessExecutingContext context)



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I created the very same business process and manually specified RecordId (Id is a random Opportunity record) as 


new Guid("6344D6CE-F889-4361-83F2-9CD71DBD6300")


and TemplateId (Id is a random email template) as


new Guid("8F5C1959-25E0-45BC-A62D-04B516502A82")


in the process parameters and didn't get the error you received (checked the application logs dicrectly, BusinessProcess.log, Common.log and the Error.log files). Both the EmailTemplateManager class and the business process were created in the Custom package.


So the assumption is that either both the business process and the class on your end are created in an assembly package (or in separate packages, one of which is an assembly package) or the issue is in the parameters that the business process receives. Tested everything in the full bundle 8.1.4 application.

But we have to use this code in the Creatio 7.16 Version and it returns this error.

Syed Ali Hassan Shah,

You can order a trial site of 8.1.4 and check the suggested solution. If it works, please update the application to the newest version.


We can not update the site to the latest version there are many complications in it Creatio Team already tried it once but didn't work out. Can you please suggest a solution for Version 7.16

Is there any update on the solution for Version 7.16?

Any update on this?

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