I want to store in lookup records .xls file for your c# code. In the code , I 'll just take .xlsx file and use it further. I can create a field with the "File" data type for lookup, but I can't display it in lookup. How to work with such a field in general?
I recommend you to take a look at the attachments detail. When you upload a file to it, in the column "Data" you can see the value that you can use in your code (note, this field would be empty if you store files not in the database). If it format doesn't satisfy you, then you can change it, for example cast('' as xml).value('xs:base64Binary(sql:column("ivf.Data"))', 'varchar(max)'. As far as I know, you cannot store File values in the lookup column, only if you create an object with File column inside and use this object.