Does "Calculation of working days in business processes" template works on 7.18? I install it successfully, but when I try to create a UserTask with it, the template does not appear in the list of templates.
I updated the values of existing records of an OOB lookup and I want to bind them to my package. When trying to do that is showing me this error:
How can we update already binded data with our new values? I'm having the same problem when trying to bind the columns of sectionlist of an OOB section.
Additionally, in general, there is a general recommendation not to consider the meaning of base values, but to add new ones to the reference and bind them to a custom package. This approach simplifies the transfer of data between environments and helps avoid the hassle after an upgrade or, for example, after re-installing the data bindings in the environment.
Thank you for your reply. I will create a suggestion for our R&D team so they could implement the logic of binding system settings values and OOTB lookup values that are already bound to base packages in the next application releases.
Thank you for finding such a system behavior and helping us in making the application better!