
I am relatively new to doing development. I have only used it for the addition/removal of columns in objects, and for cleaning up extra versions of Business Processes.

I am trying to learn more and am starting with trying to set up Business Rules for the Mobile application. I am using this article: https://academy.creatio.com/documents/technic-sdkmob/7-15/business-rules-mobile-application.


I can see where to update the extension section to add a business rule to a page, but I don't see where I create the rule itself. It says to use "add business rule", but where do I call that? Is it within the dev interface as a new object?




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Dear Heather, 

To add business rule you would need to create your custom module where you add the code similar to the one in the article, after that create a replacing schema for MobileApplicationManifestDefaultWorkplace and add the Module to the ModelExtensions. I've found a bit more detailed instruction here:


Best regards, 


Thanks very much, that is helpful.

So I choose Module as the object type for the new rules? 

Dear Heather, 

Yes, you would need to create a module. 

Dennis Hudson,

Can you put code for more than one rule into one module, or do I create one for every rule? Thanks


You need to create separate modules for each business rule and put those models to models extensions in MobileApplicationManifestDefaultWorkplace.

Thank you for your help so far. I did a test but my rule is not taking effect in the app. Can you see if you see any glaring errors?

Hello Heather,

Please mention the Object name to which you are applying the business rule.

As per your screenshots 

You need to mention the Object Name in line which i have highlighted.

In the below screen shot, you have defined the module name in page extensions of Opportunity . So the Object Name should be Opportunity. 




Sriraksha KS

Senior Software Engineer

AgilizTech software services pvt ltd

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