What method of page fires on detail load?
I need to do some asynchronous code for a filter, and in order to do that I need to collect all the data I need when the page loads and store it in a virtual field.
I am wondering what method I could override to do this?
The page I have my filter on is OpportunityProductPageV2, and I know there is onEntityInitialized and init, but these methods are only called when you open the edit page. I need a method that is called when the detail is loaded on the parent page.
Hi Tyler,
If you're looking for a method on the detail that might be similar to onEntityInitialized for a page, there's a few options you can use. One is onGridDataLoaded which fires after the detail data has been loaded. It might be your best bet. If you want one to fire before the grid data has been loaded, you could use loadGridData, or even earlier initData, to override.
Hello Tyler,
I hope you're doing well.
If I understood your task correctly, the next articles should be helpful in this demand:
Best regards,
Hi Tyler,
If you're looking for a method on the detail that might be similar to onEntityInitialized for a page, there's a few options you can use. One is onGridDataLoaded which fires after the detail data has been loaded. It might be your best bet. If you want one to fire before the grid data has been loaded, you could use loadGridData, or even earlier initData, to override.