Solution without Html tags (NotHtmlNote) column in the Knowledge base table
15:38 Jan 30, 2021
Hello All,
I wanted to understand a bit more about the NotHtmlNote column in the KnowledgeBase table. I tried a few scenarios and notice the following behavior -
- Any Knowledge base article is stored as markup in the 'Notes' column and stripped down to pure text (without the mark up tags) and stored in the 'NotHtmlNote' column.
- Whenever the knowledge base article is updated & saved, the 'NotHtmlNote' value is re-populated based on the 'Notes' column. This seems to be one way binding and not the reverse. Eg I tried data importing an Excel with junk values in 'Solution without Html tags' column. These junk values did get updated in that column but it never overwrote the 'Notes' column which contains actual mark up to be displayed in the Knowledge base.
- I set the NotHtmlNote column value of a Knowledge base article to an empty string directly in the database. The Knowledge base article still perfectly displays on the UI.
Few questions below -
- What is the NotHtmlNote column used for?
- I would like to directly import Knowledge base articles via the Data base (Through SQL queries). I tried this out by inserting values for the 'Notes' column but ignoring the 'NotHtmlNote' column. This worked perfectly. Pls let me know if there are any gotchas in this approach.
Best reply
15:45 Jan 30, 2021
1) NotHtmlNote is used for working with CKEditor to modify text in Creatio (CKEditor is used in emails and templates designer for example).
2) Never heard about any gotchas so far :)
Best regards,
15:45 Jan 30, 2021
1) NotHtmlNote is used for working with CKEditor to modify text in Creatio (CKEditor is used in emails and templates designer for example).
2) Never heard about any gotchas so far :)
Best regards,
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