Set the background color for the lookup

What is the difference between the elements diff

"classes": {

                "wrapperClass": [".."],

                "wrapClassName": [..]


"wrapClassName": [..],

"wrapClass": [..],

You can find out the entire list of styles used for elements?

In particular, it is very necessary set the background color for the lookup!

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Hello Grigoriy,

You can find the descriptions of there properties in the documentation -

The 'wrapClassName' is defined in the Terrasoft.enums.ReorderableContainer. 

The 'wrapClass' is defined in the Terrasoft.controls.ControlGroup. It specifies the name of the CSS class for the wrapper element of the control.

If you need to set the background color for the lookup element, you need to:

1. Create a module 

2. Find selector for the element you would like to apply the style

3. Write you custom CSS styles in the LESS tab. Leave the source code for the module empty

4. Create a replacing schema module and include your module with styles step as a dependency


If you need to change the style for the element, based on some condition, I believe this article will be helpful for you -…

Tetiana Markova, 

Thank you, Tetiana

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