ODATA query ContactInTag

Hi Community

I'm trying to filter ContactInTag data by EntityId column using ODATA v4,

but I receive a generic error.

If I try to filter using the Id column is work fine.

What Am I doing wrong ?

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Hi Stefano,


Can you please specify why are you using empty spaces in the select parameter between columns names? Due to the example from the article, there shouldn't be empty spaces.

Oscar Dylan,

Hi Oscar,

I removed the $select  parameter but the issue persists

Secondly: why are you using eq inside the request URI? Please use this as an example:



o_drobina.tscrm.com is the baseURI from your screen (change it to your application URI).


Also please double-check the documentation I sent, it contains useful examples.

Great, it works!

the mistake was the filter clause condition.

I used $filter=EntityId eq 8d392b32-3062-4f76-96a2-1a2f650a9c9a and this does not work

$filter=Entity/Id eq 8d392b32-3062-4f76-96a2-1a2f650a9c9a it works


Thank you very much Oscar!

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