NOTE: I though I already sent out a post on this but I think it may have filed to go through due to internet connection issues. So I'm posting the topic again.

Hello, I am trying to get another local development environment working on my machine. I followed the instructions and got to the point that the login page is being displayed, but when I input the Supervisor password and username I get taken to the browsers too many redirects error page.

What could be causing this?

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Dear Nick,

Please recheck the login that you are using, because there is a problem in bpm'online so if there are empty spaces after login or if there are special symbols in the login (like ę or e~), the system couldn't read them and can result in the page with the information on too many redirects.

Best regards,


Dear Nick,

Please also check if your Redis is the latest version, because there can be a problem with logging if you are using Redis 2.4.6 for example.

Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Hi, thanks for responding. My redis version seems to be 2.4.6. What version should I be using? The latest is 5.



Also, if I replace 2.6 with 5 will I need to re-setup he Redis or can I simply just install to the same folder and it will work?\



Dear Nick,

You'll need to install the latest version of Redis that is 5.0.0 and use it from now on. It should work right after installation, but you'll need to re-setup Redis in order to work with the new version.



Okay, I installed a more recent version of Redis and that is now working. Thanks.

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