How to use Product Price Lists?

Background: We have term pricing for products and we've created a product for each term (12, 24, 36 and M2M), but this is a nightmare to manage for a few hundred products. We'd like to explore using price lists to better manage the pricing differences.

Questions: Are price lists the best way to manage the term pricing differences in products? If so, can someone point us towards documentation to help us properly configure it?

If price lists aren't the best way, we are open to suggestions as we'd like a better way to manage our product catalog.

Thanks in advance, -Toby

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Dear Toby,

In the "Products" section on the correspondent product's page you can find a tab called "Prices and availability" where you can find a correspondent detail called "Price" (see screenshot In this detail there is the lookup field called "Price list" where you can choose the term. You can specify terms in the correspondent lookup in the "Lookups" section. Once they will be registered you can apply them for each product and after that you can choose them. Here is the regarding academy article on this topic. Hope this helps.

Best regards,


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