How can I remove predictive probability from confidence level widget in Opportunity?

Hello team,


I'm trying to customize the confidence level widget on the opportunity page. I want to remove Predictive probability.

Do you have any idea how can I do that?


Kind regards,


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Hello Marijana,


I've used the approach described here, but modified the code:

getMetrics: function() {
			let metrics =  [
					"caption": this.get("Resources.Strings.DaysInFunnelWidgetCaption"),
					"value": this.$DaysInFunnel
			return metrics;

and it worked exactly as needed:

So you need to use the same approach on your side.

Wow, thank you so much!


I did as you said, create the module  ConfidenceLevelMixin with  your code, then I create a replacing view module for the MainHeaderSchema, and set it up like this:

define("MainHeaderSchema", ["UsrConfidenceLevelMixin"], function() {

    return {

        attributes: {},

        methods: {}



but even after these steps I still get Predictive probability shown n this widget. 

Do you have any idea what I am missing? Thank you!

Marijana Veljkovic,


Did you name your new module in configurations as UsrConfidenceLevelMixin? Because this can happen in case UsrConfidenceLevelMixin logic (and replacements) wasn't initialized on the page and it can only happen in case UsrConfidenceLevelMixin doesn't exist. Debugging is needed here and maybe errors in the console can help to identify the reason (I tested this approach locally in 8.0.8 and it works).

Another easy option is to use CSS to just hide that. 

#OpportunityPageV2Container .confidence-level-widget-container .metric[aria-label="Predictive probability 0%"] {
    display: none;


See article for adding CSS


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