
Filtering by stage date



I am trying to set up a filter that shows opportunities that entered a certain stage within the current month. Can anyone explain how I can achieve this?


Thanks in advance.

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In order to set up the filter to see the opportunities that entered a certain stage within current month, you need to create a filter by the "Start Date" field in "Stages" opportunity detail:

Then change "count" to "exists":

And in the sub-filter choose the field "Start". This is the field of the start date of a stage: 

And along with this setup a regular filter with the needed stage.

Create a filter in which your select Stage = "Your stage" AND Created on = "Current Month"



In order to set up the filter to see the opportunities that entered a certain stage within current month, you need to create a filter by the "Start Date" field in "Stages" opportunity detail:

Then change "count" to "exists":

And in the sub-filter choose the field "Start". This is the field of the start date of a stage: 

And along with this setup a regular filter with the needed stage.

Hassan Tariq, thank you for you reply!

Mira Dmitruk, I really appreciate the in depth reply. That has helped me achieve what I needed. Thanks so much!


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