Hi Community,
Any idea how we can disable the existing mobile business rule. Lets say for example below rule.
Terrasoft.sdk.Model.addBusinessRule("Case", {
name: "CaseContactAccountRequirementRule",
ruleType: Terrasoft.RuleTypes.Requirement,
requireType: Terrasoft.RequirementTypes.OneOf,
triggeredByColumns: ["Contact", "Account"]
I tried to create my custom model config and set this existing rule to "enabled:false", compile the changes and re-synchronize the mobile but still this rule is active in mobile.
If you want to disable the existing mobile business rule, you can do it by calling the removeBusinessRule function. The function accepts two parameters - the name of the model and the name of the rule. For example:
Terrasoft.sdk.Model.removeBusinessRule("Case", "CaseContactAccountRequirementRule");