Adding the custom action to the custom section.


I make a custom section called "Gamma" and I am following this article to add an action and implemented all the required methods in "Gamma" section schema. 

But when I saved it and clear the cache nothing appears on the section workspace.

Does it mean that we cannot add an action to the custom sections? If not then what could be the problem?


Many Thanks.

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Dear Akshit, 


For those steps, there is no difference if the section is custom or OOB. If you've made all steps of the instruction correctly please clear cache and cookies. If you still don't see the action please check that you've correctly added it in getSectionActions method and that you don't have any errors in the console. If you check that all steps were done correctly and after clearing cache you don't see the button please send your code for adding the action.


Best regards, 


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