Inject process parameters into custom HTML template

I've created a process that send email.

I'm trying to inject process parameters into an HTML element of a custom email template, But the values are NOT populated into the html output.

 (see attached screenshot..)




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 Hello Eran, 

in order to do that first you need to add a block to the designer, and then add a text element. When you click on the text element, you will see at the top corner a thunder. If you click on the thunder you will be able to add your parameter to the text element.

Then, you need to click again on the text element, and you will see near the tunder another button, which has a tag inside <>, it is called "Edit source HTML code". You can click on it and it will show you the HTML for this text element, including the HTML for the parameter. Now you need to copy the  HTML code for this parameter (it will be an image tag) .

Then, you can go to the HTML block where you want to use this parameter, and paste it.  This will be enough to pass the parameter.

Also, you can create a parameter at the HTML element, and at the  "Value" field, you can pass this image tag that represents your parameter. 

Both options are valid to pass a parameter to your HTML element. I'll attach here photos showing how to do the steps mentioned above.


Best regards,




Hello Eran, 


following our conversation over the email, I'll share here as well the two ways to dinamically insert Id's into a link, in order to use that link at an email.


-The best one is creating a formula where you will concatenate two strings, the URL + the activity ID. 

You just need to create a formula before the email and modify the strings like this

""+[#Parameter 1#]  

I'll attach a photo showing how you can do this.

After that, your Parameter 1, will be a ready to use link with the ID attached at the end.

Now you can insert it into a text block (clicking on the thunder icon as I've shown in photos from previous messages) .

Or you can directly insert the img tag into the HTML code, you dont need to use the <a> tag because the img tag will be automatically converted to a link once you send the email. The formula will be responsible to merge the dynamic value of the parameter with the URL, and when you insert that into the email it will be a ready to use link.

-You can also create a text block in the email, then copy and paste the URL, after that you insert the Parameter with the ID, and then you put quotation marks between them "[#Parameter 1#]".

This method is less desirable to use but i'll also attach a photo showing how does it look in the email designer.


Best regards,


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