E-mail tab doesn't remember prepared answer when you click on go back in browser or go to another section.
How to fix?
Implementing a script/intelligence that remember your e-mail answer when clicking to a new section like Contacts or Companies.
To avoid to loose your e-mail (especially e-mails where you typed 10 minutes) and leave frustrations out.
Example of issue see screenshots
Dear Jonas,
In order to resolve the issue please do the following:
1. Create a replacing client module for the “EmailMessagePublisherPage” schema.
2. Add the following code to the schema:
define("EmailMessagePublisherPage", [], function(){
return {
entitySchemaName : "Activity",
mixins : {},
attributes : {},
methods : {
setRecipientValue : function(data){
var bodyOfEmail = sessionStorage.getItem("bodyOfEmail");
this.set("Body", bodyOfEmail);
isNeedToBePublished : function(){
sessionStorage.setItem("bodyOfEmail", this.get("Body"));
return Boolean(this.get("Body"));
diff : /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/
3. Save the changes https://prnt.sc/pp5ejs
Best regards,
Norton Lingard,
I have just tried this and it didn't work. I wrote some text in the email body, but the isNeedToBePublished wasn't triggerd by clicking the close button on the Case page.
I instead used an override of destroy
destroy: function () { sessionStorage.setItem("bodyOfEmail", this.get("Body")); this.callParent(arguments); },