Access Right for Tabs
How can I set restrictions to users to view a certain tab in a page?
Dear Mohammad,
All tabs are kept in the TabsCollection. You can access it like this:
this.get ("TabsCollection");
Please see the examples below on how to hide tab based on the condition:
methods: { onRender: function(){ this.callParent(arguments); this.showTabsForCategoryAndType(); }, onEntityInitialized: function(){ this.callParent(arguments); this.showTabsForCategoryAndType(); }, showTabsForCategoryAndType: function(){ var tabNames = { Refinance: "Tab1", //tab name in diff Purchase: "Tab2", Construction: "Tab3", } var categoryValue = this.get("Category")?this.get("Category").value:null; var typeValue = this.get("Type")?this.get("Type").value:null; var isAnyActiveDynamicTab = false; if(categoryValue == OpportunityConfigurationConstants.Opportunity.Category.Finance){ if(typeValue == OpportunityConfigurationConstants.Opportunity.Type.Refinance){ isAnyActiveDynamicTab = true; this.hideAllDynamicTabs(tabNames) this.hideTabByName(tabNames.Refinance, false); } } if(categoryValue == OpportunityConfigurationConstants.Opportunity.Category.Finance){ if(typeValue == OpportunityConfigurationConstants.Opportunity.Type.Purchase){ isAnyActiveDynamicTab = true; this.hideAllDynamicTabs(tabNames) this.hideTabByName(tabNames.Purchase, false); } } if(categoryValue == OpportunityConfigurationConstants.Opportunity.Category.Finance){ if(typeValue == OpportunityConfigurationConstants.Opportunity.Type.Construction){ isAnyActiveDynamicTab = true; this.hideAllDynamicTabs(tabNames) this.hideTabByName(tabNames.Construction, false); } } if(!isAnyActiveDynamicTab){ this.hideAllDynamicTabs(tabNames) } }, hideAllDynamicTabs: function(tabNamesConfig){ this.hideTabByName(tabNamesConfig.Refinance, true); this.hideTabByName(tabNamesConfig.Purchase, true); this.hideTabByName(tabNamesConfig.Construction, true); }, hideTabByName: function(tabName, isHide){ var tabsCollection = this.get("TabsCollection"); if(tabsCollection){ var tabIndex = tabsCollection.collection.keys.indexOf(tabName); var tabsPanelDomElement = document.getElementById("OpportunityPageV2TabsTabPanel-tabpanel-items"); if(tabsPanelDomElement){ tabDomElement = tabsPanelDomElement.querySelector('[data-item-index="'+tabIndex.toString()+'"]'); if(tabDomElement){ if(isHide){ = "none"; }else{ = null; } } } } } },
Hope you will find it helpful.
Nels Yehnert,
Please find the answers below:
1. The tabDomElement is declared in the code I have provided:
var tabsPanelDomElement = document.getElementById("OpportunityPageV2TabsTabPanel-tabpanel-items");
You just need to modify it up to the needed section.
2. If you are validating via validation tool in configuration schema window, it will be trowing this message for any single quotes, however, in this particular case this is needed measure to distinguish two quote zones. Nevertheless, even if you would use single quote everywhere, this will not break the code.
I would recommend to watch browser developers console for errors and use debugger to debug the code along its execution.
Please find a complete example below:
define("ActivityPageV2", ["BusinessRuleModule"], function(BusinessRuleModule) { return { entitySchemaName: "Activity", attributes: { "MyTabObject": { dataValueType: this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.CUSTOM_OBJECT }, "ActivityCategory": { dataValueType: this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP, dependencies: [ { columns: ["ActivityCategory"], methodName: "initCustomTab" } ] } }, details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{}/**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/, methods: { init: function() { this.callParent(arguments); var tabCollection = this.get("TabsCollection"); tabCollection.eachKey(function(tabName, tab) { if (tabName === "GeneralInfoTab") { this.set("MyTabObject", tab); } }, this); }, onEntityInitialized: function() { this.callParent(arguments); this.initCustomTab(); }, onCloseClick: function() { this.callParent(arguments); this.addCustomTab(); }, initCustomTab: function() { var category = this.get("ActivityCategory") && this.get("ActivityCategory").value; if (category !== "03df85bf-6b19-4dea-8463-d5d49b80bb28") { var tab = this.get("MyTabObject"); var tabCollection = this.get("TabsCollection"); if (tab) { if (this.get("ActiveTabName") === "GeneralInfoTab") { this.set("ActiveTabName", "ActivityParticipantTab"); } tabCollection.remove(tab); } this.set("TabsCollection", tabCollection); } else { this.addCustomTab(); } }, addCustomTab: function() { var tabCollection = this.get("TabsCollection"); var tab = this.get("MyTabObject"); var customTabExists = false; tabCollection.eachKey(function(tabName, tab) { if (tabName === "GeneralInfoTab") { customTabExists = true; } }, this); if (!customTabExists && tab) { tabCollection.add(tab.get("Name"), tab, 0);//3rd parameter - index where to show the tab this.set("TabsCollection", tabCollection); } } }, modules: /**SCHEMA_MODULES*/{}/**SCHEMA_MODULES*/, dataModels: /**SCHEMA_DATA_MODELS*/{}/**SCHEMA_DATA_MODELS*/ }; });
You can use it to check in ActivityPageV2.
This feature is implemented in Creatio 7.16.3 release via business rules