The "Quick add" menu options do not work (QuickAddMenuItem)


We have a "+" sign on the side panel in sms, which can be used for quick adding of a new order, case, call, etc. But when I select this option, e.g., of adding a case, bpm'online starts stuttering and no case window opens (the same refers to the order and task/call).


The "Quick add" menu contents can be edited in the " Quick add menu setup" lookup as an "Item of quick add menu". One of its columns – "Add page" – is the "Section edit page" type, that refers to the "VwSysModuleSchemaEdit" database view instead of a table.

In the code of this view, there is a connectio to the "Default" workplace name, which in your case is renamed for "DefaultFlat". Consequently, none of the view pages was visible to you. Likewse, none could be called as a "quick add" menu option.

To solve your case, rename the old VwSysModuleSchemaEdit in the database for e.g.,"VwSysModuleSchemaEdit_Old"  and execute the script for adding a new view:

CREATE VIEW [dbo].[VwSysModuleSchemaEdit]
       se.Id as 'Id',
       se.CreatedOn as 'CreatedOn',
       se.CreatedById as 'CreatedById',
       se.ModifiedOn as 'ModifiedOn',
       se.ModifiedById as 'ModifiedById',
       se.ProcessListeners as 'ProcessListeners',
       se.PageCaption as 'PageCaption',
       se.TypeColumnValue as 'TypeColumnValue',
       se.SysModuleEntityId as 'SysModuleEntityId',
       ss.Caption as 'EditPageCaption',
       ss.Name as 'EditPageName'
FROM SysModuleEdit se
inner join VwSysSchemaInWorkspace ss ON ss.UId = se.CardSchemaUId
       and ss.SysWorkspaceId = (SELECT Id FROM SysWorkspace WHERE Name = 'DefaultFlat')
       exists(SELECT null FROM SysModule sm WHERE sm.SysModuleEntityId = se.SysModuleEntityId)
       and exists(SELECT vss.Caption FROM VwSysSchemaInWorkspace vss WHERE vss.UId = se.CardSchemaUId)

To implement the changes, clear the browser cache and update the website page.

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