How can I add a loading mask to the [Connected to] detail of the [Accounts] section (version 7.7.0) in a diagram display mode
15:51 Mar 26, 2018
How can I add a loading mask to the [Connected to] detail of the [Accounts] section (version 7.7.0) in a diagram display mode?
To add a loading mask to the [Connected to] detail of the [Accounts] section in a diagram display mode, create a replacing client module for the AccountRelationshipDetailV2 schema and insert the following code therein:
define("AccountRelationshipDetailV2", [], function() { return { methods: { loadRelationship: function() { this.set("MaskId",{ selector: "#RelationshipTabContainer" })); this.callParent(arguments); }, relationshipDiagramServiceCallback: function(response) { this.callParent(arguments); Terrasoft.Mask.hide(this.get("MaskId")); } }, diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/ []/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/ }; });
Save the schema and reload the application page with clearing the cache.