Время создания

I try to set up VS2022 and workspaceconsole for compilation, but something seems to be wrong. if i try to call build workspace or rebuild workspace in VS I get following error :

"Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Terrasoft.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=edaadfbc3b0bb879' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
  at Terrasoft.Tools.WorkspaceConsole.Program.Main(String[] args)"


For the configuarion of it i used following settings: 


command =  : C:\Academy\builds\D4_studio\Terrasoft.WebApp\DesktopBin\WorkspaceConsole\Terrasoft.Tools.WorkspaceConsole.exe

Arguments :

-operation=BuildWorkspace -workspaceName=Default -webApplicationPath="C:\Academy\builds\D4_studio\Terrasoft.WebApp" -confRuntimeParentDirectory="C:\Academy\builds\D4_studio\Terrasoft.WebApp"


Does anybody know what i'm doing wrong?



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This error might occur if you don't configure the workspace console before setting it up in VS.
Please have a look on this article https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/dev/development-on-creatio-platform/development-tools/delivery/workspaceconsole/overview1

Hope this helps.

Hi Yevhenii,

I can build and rebuild workspaces now without getting errors.  However, something strange happens.  I have made a process in creatio,that contains a methos and a script task. I open the cs file of the process, to make changes to the method. I save the file in VS , but as soon as i run 'build workspace', my changes get undone. Is there something i'm missing or doing wrong?  how can i develop and compile creatio backend stuff in visual studio?


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Exciting news – CRM Creatio has been named a Leader in the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Retail Customer Relationship Management Software 2024 Vendor Assessment.  

In this IDC MarketScape evaluates the capabilities and strategies of enterprise software vendors in meeting the needs of retail companies worldwide. 


Learn more about this recognition: https://www.creatio.com/company/news/23246

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we have succesfully configured identity service and some processess integrating Creatio and other apps through Zapier. The problem is, the integration works in 30-50% of zap runs. In other cases we encounter error like this below:

What we concluded is that Zapier connector connects to our Creatio URL https://creatio.astor.com.pl, where it is redirected to login page and this is somehow the case. W changed the default timeout of login session to unlimited and it didn't changed anything.


We asked Creatio support about that and heard that "this connector is not supported by Creatio team so ask DevLabs" but DevLabs says on its Creatio Partner website that I should write a post here, in community. So now I do :) Please help us solve this puzzle, because without Zapier connector we are pushed to reconsider our next moves about Creatio development.

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The Zapier connector for Creatio is somewhat limited and does have some problems. Another option, plus much more reliable route (in my opinion) is to simply use Creatio webhooks. See https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/no-code-customization/base-integrations/webhook-service-integration/overview

Zapier can easily send webhooks to Creatio, plus the use of webhooks is much more flexible and allows for a greater set of objects and fields to be used since the Zapier connector is limited to just a couple of objects (last I checked). 

Since your system looks like it's self-hosted based on the URL, assume you might need to contact support for getting webhooks setup for use.


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Hello, I have a [Object A] form page where I have an Expanded List (detail) inside it [Object B] created. In [Object B] I need to have multiple records, so now I need to make a relationship between [Object A] and [Object B], but the app doesn't show me a relationship between IDs or anything like that.

I've already tried manually creating a Lookup inside [Object B] pointing to [Object A], but I was wondering if there's a better way to do it?

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You need to create one-to-many relations between these objects. To do this, you need to create a lookup column in each object that will refer to another object. After that, you will be able to use filters and relationships to display and customize the necessary lists.
You can't do it using no-code elements because this connection is set up at the object level.

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