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Challenges in Implementing a Continuous Monitoring Plan - Delta Risk


Clio version provides the ability to show and store the last compilation log from Creatio environment


clio last-compiltaion-log -e <ENV>


To store it locally, use the --log option


clio last-compilation-log -e <ENV> --log c:\log.txt


To display RAW output from the server, use the following


clio last-compilation-log -e <ENV> --raw


WerdienJihed, thanks for your idea and contribution to the Clio project 👍


P.S: In the next releases, we will extend the list of commands that will support store log to file for improving UX work with ci/cd pipelines

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Good day to everyone! I’ve encountered a task where I need to update the NextSteps component. I used crt.LoadData and crt.ChangeNextStepsStateRequest, but they didn't produce the desired results.

After executing, the component does not update, and data is not displayed; only after a full page refresh does the Next Step appear.

Has anyone encountered a similar issue and could help with a solution? Thanks in advance!

				request: "crt.HandleViewModelInitRequest",
				handler: async function(request, next) {
					Terrasoft.ServerChannel.on(Terrasoft.EventName.ON_MESSAGE, (await request.$context.ServerMessageReceivedFunc), request.$context);
					await next.handle(request);					
				applyMethods: function(context) {
					let methods = {
						refreshNextStepsStates: async function(date) {
							const handlerChain = sdk.HandlerChainService.instance;
							await handlerChain.process({
								type: 'crt.ChangeNextStepsStateRequest',
								$context: context,
						showWarnDialog: async function(message) {
							const actionsConfig = [
									key: "OK",
									config: {
										color: "warn",
										caption: resources.localizableStrings.BnzShowDialogCloseBtn
							const result = await context.executeRequest({
								type: "crt.ShowDialogRequest",
								$context: context,
								dialogConfig: {
									data: {
										message: message,
										actions: actionsConfig
						onSubscribeWebSocket: async function(event, message) {
							if (message.Header.Sender === "Banza_ApprovalAction_WebSocketSender") {
								await this.handleShowWarnMessage(message);
						handleShowWarnMessage: async function(message) {
							const sysValuesService = new sdk.SysValuesService();
							const sysValues = await sysValuesService.loadSysValues();
							const caseId = context.attributes.Id;
							const currentUserContactId = sysValues.userContact.value;
							const msgObj = JSON.parse(message.Body);
							if (msgObj && sysValues && currentUserContactId === msgObj.currentUserContactId) {
								if (caseId === msgObj?.recordId) {
									if (msgObj.action === "showWarnDialog") {
										await this.showWarnDialog(msgObj.message);
										await this.refreshNextStepsStates(msgObj?.date);
					context.ServerMessageReceivedFunc = methods.onSubscribeWebSocket.bind(context);
					Ext.apply(context, methods);
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How can you set custom field e.g. UsrSecondType on Account as readonly in Mobile app with Freedom UI?

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If you go to Configurations and search for the object, open it on the left hand side you see business rules then you put conditions in a way where a field that is required is set to filled in and the field that you want read only select that. 

Here color is the field you want to make read only and Job number is a required filled. 

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Hello Creatio Community,


I'm working on integrating Creatio CRM with a third-party application, and I’d like users to access specific Creatio pages without needing to log in each time they navigate from the third-party app.

Here are some specifics of my setup:
When users are logged into the third-party app, they should be able to open Creatio pages directly without being redirected to the login page.


I’m using URLs with ?autoOpenIdLogin=true to facilitate automatic login.


My main questions are:
Are there recommended ways to keep the SSO session active between the two apps?
Has anyone implemented a solution using silent authentication checks or embedded iframes to keep the session refreshed?

Any insights or best practices would be appreciated!



Ajay K

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Each time I reconnect an email (following a problem with the provider) the configured email is added to my contact card.
Is it possible to deactivate the automatic addition of email?


Thank you !

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Dear Nikolas,

To avoid this automatic addition, we recommend the following flow:
1. Reconnect the mailbox, the system will ask if you want to download email for the last week, select "Change settings":

2. Go to the settings, and when changing them, the system will ask if you want to add this email address to the contact communication detail, here you can select no:

Please note that the system will only ask you if you want to add this mailbox if it has not been added yet. So, if you already have this mailbox added to the communication option, please remove it from the contact.

Have a great day!

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