Hi all,

I am trying to insert a record to an entity using esq as follows in my web service.

        [WebInvoke(Method = "POST", RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Bare,
        ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]
        public string InsertCaseESQPostForSATS(DebitCardDataForSATS debitCardData)
                var caseSchema = SystemUserConnection.EntitySchemaManager.GetInstanceByName("SBLSRM");
                var entity = caseSchema.CreateEntity(SystemUserConnection);
                entity.SetColumnValue("SBLAccountNumber", debitCardData.AccountNo);
                entity.SetColumnValue("SBLService", debitCardData.ServiceId);
                var result = entity.Save();
                return result.ToString();
            catch(Exception ex)
                return ex.Message;


Column 'SBLService' is a lookup column and I am having problem while inserting a record, says, "Value 'SBLService' was not found.". I have checked and confirmed that the object has the column and is published fine. Can somebody assist me on this? How can I set value for a lookup column?



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Roman Raj Bajracharya,


the value should be passed as an actual Id and also the column name shouldn't contain the . separator:


entity.SetColumnValue("SBLServiceId", Id here);


For example see this post https://community.creatio.com/questions/how-create-or-update-record-usi… where Dmytro provided an example of working with GUID columns.


Best regards,




Try SBLServiceId instead and also take a look in the database and check how is this column called there.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Hi Oscar,

Thank you for the reply. How do I provide the value of Id of SBLService lookup? In the database, it is just 'Id' for the lookup id. I tried to access by doing SBLService.Id but it didn't help.

entity.SetColumnValue("SBLService.Id", debitCardData.ServiceId);


Roman Raj Bajracharya,


the value should be passed as an actual Id and also the column name shouldn't contain the . separator:


entity.SetColumnValue("SBLServiceId", Id here);


For example see this post https://community.creatio.com/questions/how-create-or-update-record-usi… where Dmytro provided an example of working with GUID columns.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Hi Oscar,

Thank you very much. The record is now inserted. But I am having problem on the execution of a process that should occur when a record on this entity is created. This process is executing well when I create a new record from frontend(UI). Any ideas on this?

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