Using this article you will be able to set the hint for the button. Please clarify for which button in the detail do you need to set the hint? If this is a "Save" button on the opened detail record page then the code will be similar to the one in the article. Or do you want a hint to the custom button added near the "+" sign of the detail. In this case there is a hint on the three dots sign that opens the detail actions menu (where "Export to excel" or "Select multiple records" options are available) and this button also has a hint that is specified in the BaseGridDetailV2 of the Nui package:
All these fields are doing automatic calculations. I would love to have a tooltip (the green arrow which activates when we mouse hover the label) for all the fields. (one different tooltip for all the fields).
What is the code snippet needed to achieve this ? I have followed the academy article, although they always do example for OOTB features and the parentname are always the same (LeftConatiner, ProfileContainer, GeneralInfoBlock, etc.). How can I find the correct parentname of my custom detail ?
I have a few questions on the code snippet above :
the Name "STRINGe0d1c4a7-75ff-4f3a-9e4b-efaf5ca75c01" is the Code Name of the field under the custom detail right ?
Where did you find the "layoutName" and the "parentName" called "DetailToSortTabLabelGridLayout808a23e5" in your example ?
My code snippet was quite right but I was using "DeatilFieldsContainer" as parentName. How did you know which name has to be used for the "parentName" ?
Many thanks for the help provided ba the way :) appreciate it.
I need to implement tooltips on a custom detail which is not created from the section wizard but has a custom logic (with specific calculations based on conditions). Doing it this way, I do not have access to the UI section wizard to simply add a tooltip from the section wizard.