Hi Community,

Any idea how i can disable the tasks being created in case stages?




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Hello Fulgen,

Such a task should appear on the records actions dashboard and in CTI panel as well (see screenshot http://prntscr.com/og1wm1). The easiest way to disable such tasks is to click on their name http://prntscr.com/og1xkw and click "Cancel activity" http://prntscr.com/og1xqv. As a result you will need to specify the result of this activity http://prntscr.com/og1xzb and click "Save".

The second way to disable such tasks is to open a task in the CTI panel and change status to "Canceled" http://prntscr.com/og1yu0. After that you will need to enter some activity results and save changes.

The third way to disable such tasks is to delete them from SysProcessElementToDo table, but it is not a good practice at all since there can be connections between deleted activity and case stages and it can lead to errors when working with the case, from which deleted task was created, in future.

If you want to remove tasks generation from case stage - you need to delete this task from case stages designer and here is an Academy article on how to delete case stage element.

Best regards,


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