Dear Team,

                  Problem: business process not trigger from web service.

                  How to trigger business process in wcf web service.Please guid me how to trigger?

        Thanks in advance.



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Dear Sekhar,

Here is the example of how to start business process with parameter from server side code.

using Terrasoft.Core;

using Terrasoft.Core.Process;

using Terrasoft.Core.Process.Configuration;


ProcessSchema schema = UserConnection.ProcessSchemaManager.GetInstanceByName("LeadManagement");

//schema = UserConnection.ProcessSchemaManager.GetInstanceByUId(leadManagementProcessUId);


//different engines for interpretable and compiled BP

bool canUseFlowEngine = ProcessSchemaManager.GetCanUseFlowEngine(UserConnection, schema);

if(canUseFlowEngine) {

    var flowEngine = new FlowEngine(UserConnection);

    var param = new Dictionary<string, string>();

    param["LeadId"] = Entity.Id.ToString();

    flowEngine.RunProcess(schema, param);

} else {

    Process process = schema.CreateProcess(UserConnection);

    process.SetPropertyValue("LeadId", Entity.Id);



Hope you will find it helpful.



Anastasia Botezat,

Hi Anastasia. Your code illustrates how to call a BP by passing parameters. How would one go about reading BP parameters after the execution of the business process??


M Shrikanth,




You've already created a thread here… so we will discuss this topic there.


Best regards,


Anastasia Botezat,


Is the method async or not?

I just run a test and it did not wait for the result.

Best regards,

Solem A.

Solem Khan Abdusalam,




This is a synchronous call, also tested out-of-the-box by calling a process with 10 000 repetitions of data reading in a cycle.

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within a business process I have a contact object and an account object.  I want to associate them and be able to specify whether the contact is the "primary" contact or not.


Do I create a "Connecting contact to account" record?  if so, how?

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Dear Brian,

You can read data from Account, then read data from Contact with the following filter - (or if you need to find contact which is connected with certain account) 

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Hello community,

I am trying to perform the following command from a Script Task element:

DELETE FROM [dbo].[UsrListDocuments] WHERE [Opportunity] = @P1 AND [Product] = @P2

Currently, the C# code is similar to this:

var opportunityId = Get("Read opportunity product.Opportunity");
var productId = Get("Read opportunity product.Product");
var delete = new Delete(userConnection)
return true;

Is this accurate? What would be the best practice in this case? The code is not working properly that´s why I am looking for your assistance.


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As far as I understood your business goal, you are trying to fetch some parameters via [Read Data] element in your script task and pass it further to the Delete query.

Firstly, you need to get parameters in the [Script Task] from the [Read Data] element.

For the interpreted process the algorithm is the next:

1) Create a business process parameters and map it to the needed Read Data element. You can learn more about business parameters in our guide -…

In your example it will be something like:

[#Read opportunity product.First item of resulting collection.Opportunity#] and [#Read opportunity product.First item of resulting collection.Product#]

2) Use business-parameters in your Script-task.

var opportunityId = Get<Guid>("ProcessParam1");

var productId = Get<Guid>("ProcessParam2");

Then you need to get the userConnection in order to pass it in the Delete query:

var userConnection = Get<UserConnection>("UserConnection"); 

After that you can create a delete query:

var delete = new Delete(userConnection)





And execute it:


Tetiana Markova,

Thanks, Thetiana. It worked.

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Do you have any working example how to consume Azure Machine Learning web service on BPMOnline BusinessProcess and Web Service function ?




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First, you need to set up an integration with  Azure Machine Learning web service in the bpmonline. Please, see the documentation -…

Then you can call the web service via [Call Web Service] process element in your business process -…


Tetiana Markova,


thanks for your reply.

I tried to consume it using as per documentation but have no luck so far.

(1) tried the webservice using Postmand (works)









(2) try using BMOnline with same parameters

2 headers parameters

Key : Authorization

Authorization : Content-Type


1 body parameters

 Json path : $

Data Type : text

is Array : No

Value : <copy from Postman raw body>




but it keep replying response 400

{"error":{"code":"BadArgument","message":"Invalid argument provided.","details":[{"code":"InputMismatchError","target":"input1","message":"Input data does not match input port schema."}]}}


how to fixed this ? am I missing something ?





Dear Antonius,

I don't see where you call the webservice. Perhaps, you didn't set a value to input1 parameter

Peter Vdovukhin,

Hi Peter,

thank you for your comments.


I called the web service in Business Process 

I'm not sure whether I set the input parameter correctly. the value and format is exactly same from what I used  Postman.



Hi Antonius,

You should deploy an application on-site, create a web service call and test network via fiddler to see what request is sent to web service. The message you've got means that bpm'online sends a request in a format that differs from that you are expecting. Then you can set up parameters in a such way that will fit to Azure learning standard.

The other option will be creating a script task with calling that webservice from c# code. If you are a developer this is the best way because allows you to do more than built-in web service call.

Peter Vdovukhin,

Hi Peter,

thank you for your comment.

I follow your suggestion by creating a script task.

(1) [in process methods setting menu] add RestSharp name space 

(2) [in script task] construct Json to be put in body parameter:

string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data);


(3) [in script task] use RestClient to call web service and adding the necessary parameters    

var client = new RestClient(";format=swagger");
	var request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);
	request.AddHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
	request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
	request.AddHeader("Authorization", "Bearer FpIlxxxxxxxxxxxx");
	request.AddParameter("undefined",  json , ParameterType.RequestBody);
	IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);

it works for me.

thanks !


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