
When I change the currency from USD to CAD in the settings it changes in order and in product price but not in the opportunity. 

In the opportunity the price is converted to USD. Is there anything I can do to have the prices in USD in opportunity section ?


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Hello Sanae,

Unfortunately this is base application logic that stores opportunity amount in USD currency. You can build a process that will be triggered upon record modification in opportunity amount field for example, that will read this value from opportunity amount field, than this process will calculate correct opportunity amount value based on currency exchange rate and modify opportunity amount field. I will also let our R&D team know that currently opportunity field values are stored using USD currency ignoring "Base currency" system setting. Thank you for reporting this issue!

Best regards,


Thank you Oscar, 

I did it another way. I changed the amount field type in opportunity section to currency instead of Decimal. It's working well. 

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