Hi Community,

Currently I am not able to cancel a running subprocess, it is giving me this warning message. "The process can not be cancelled", becasue it was started as a subprocess".


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Hello Fulgn,

This is an out-of-the-box logic that prevents canceling the process if it was started a sub-process in another process and we do not recommend canceling such processes. But in case you still want to do that you can run these queries:

update SysProcessElementLog set StatusId = '1BE78F3E-234D-4D6A-869A-DC07253FD2F3' where StatusId = 'F942C08D-B6E2-DF11-971B-001D60E938C6' and SysProcessID in (select ID from SysProcessLog where StatusId = '1BE78F3E-234D-4D6A-869A-DC07253FD2F3' and Name = 'Name of your sub-process')

Please modify:

F942C08D-B6E2-DF11-971B-001D60E938C6 - status of the last element in your sub-process (if all elements were completed and the process is still in running mode you can execute: update SysProcessLog set StatusId = '1BE78F3E-234D-4D6A-869A-DC07253FD2F3' where StatusId = 'F942C08D-B6E2-DF11-971B-001D60E938C6' and Name = 'Name of your sub-process')

where F942C08D-B6E2-DF11-971B-001D60E938C6 - process status ID taken from SysProcessStatus table. Running status ID is ED2AE277-B6E2-DF11-971B-001D60E938C6. So if your process is in running status you need to run:

update SysProcessLog set StatusId = '1BE78F3E-234D-4D6A-869A-DC07253FD2F3' where StatusId = 'ED2AE277-B6E2-DF11-971B-001D60E938C6' and Name = 'Name of your process'

so to 'Cancel' all processes in 'Running' status with name 'Name of your process'.

Best regards,


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