Reproduce logic of OOTB "Set total in order" logic

Hi Community,


Any idea on how to reproduce the behavior of the calculate order product when a line is deleted?

I need to implement a similar logic,

but when the trigger is an Order Product is deleted I cannot read the corresponding order object.

In the Out of the Box process this is working and I don't see any difference




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If your trigger start for delete is set to run synchronously ("Run following elements in the background" option is unchecked on the start step) then the BP can read the data of the record being deleted in subsequent steps that are also run synchronously I believe. This is how we've done delete-based data reading/changing. Check to see, but I suspect that that's what they've done in the OOTB BP.

Harvey Adcock,

I managed to make it work thanks, it is a 2 step aproach:


1)  Start signal synchronously, uncheck "Run following elements in the background" to read the Order Id


2) Timer to be able to do async, put the ""Run following elements in the background" to true and be able to calculate the totals of the order lines 






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