Regarding Auto clearing the fields after selecting the Boolean field


Step 1: In an application form, there is a boolean field for "new contact"  and a contact lookup for selecting the existing contact. 

Step 2: If that application doesn't related to any existing contact we can select new contact then contact will disappear. 

Step 3: If that application is related to an existing contact we can select that contact. Then related information of that contact is automatically filled in the application form. 

Step 4: If we get the information by selecting the existing contact. 

Step 5: Suppose if we want to select the boolean "New Contact" then all the updated information has to be cleared.  

We succeed in up to Step 4. But, we are unable to implement the Step 5

Your valuable suggestion or workaround would be a great help for us to implement this feature. Here, I am attaching a screenshot of my issue below: 



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Hello Nagamani,


Please build the process as on my screenshot:


In my example I've created a process that will be triggered once "Will make fields empty" checkbox is filled in and in "Modify data" element I am using formula values for each field:


1) For String data type field - "string.Empty" formula value

2) For Lookup data type field - "Guid.Empty" formula value

3) For Date/time data type field you need to use "null" formula value


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Thank you for your quick response.

I have followed the same procedure which you have said. But, After selecting the boolean field, I am getting the formula values in the text fields which I have given in the business process. I was unable to add the business process to the custom section. Here, I am attaching the screenshots of my issues. Please have a look and provide your valuable assistance.






Nagamani Dangeti,


You also need to paste string.Empty as formula value (by clicking on "Formula" button I did exactly the same in my trial application and the process made string empty. Please also get sure that you are using 7.15.2 or 7.15.3 application version.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,


I am using 7.13 version

Oscar Dylan,

I need that process should be happen for every record not for a single record. If I use signal element then that business process is not showing when I want to add it to the custom section. 

Oscar Dylan,

Thank you so much. I have implemented that by following your steps. It is working as expected.

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