Print HTML document in mobile app


We want to print html document in mobile app. we have HTML document (whole, with , , tags) in response after calling API.

Now we need to show print preview or something like it, to print on connected printer. No matter how, the main thing is to print it.


In web app, we made it using small js code. 

1. open new window

2. set html text

3. call print function

but this all are using browser's functionality.


How we can make it in mobile app?

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Dear Luka, 

Unfortunately, there are no known examples of adding printing functionality into Creatio mobile application. 

Please follow this link to learn more on development in Creatio Mobile Application in order to find the possible ways of implementing the mentioned functionality:…

Kind regards,

Roman Brown


I think, I explained incorrectly.

I need to invoke print preview, maybe it will platform native or something like it.

Can I create webview and set html to it? in both platforms?

It work, thanks

I have another problem now.

I need to print opened document, but there is error winPrint.print is not a function.

Can I somehow print opened page ?

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