
Link Recognition

Did the way that links are recognized in text fields change?  I though that previously, string fields that had URLs in them automatically became active links, but that's not the case now.  Was that moved to a configuration or setting in the newest version?

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Dear Janine,

There was no logic in the application that makes string fields clickable by default - they could be (and they are now in 7.14.0) clickable whne you put this string field into the list of columns displayed in the section (if you have http:// or https:// specified at the begining of this field).

I will create a request so they could create a logic that could activate link displaying for string fields values using section wizard on the edit page of the record. As for now please use this article so to make needed fields clickable.

Best regards,


Although I have coded in Visual Studio .NET, I have done no development in bpm'online. How do I develop the diff property and add code to the methods property?

Janine White,

Janine in this case you need to contact your account manager and ask him/her to find a partner who could develop this logic for you.

Best regards,


Here is another page describing how to make a clickable link out of a string:

Oscar Dylan,

I figured out how to implement this and wrote an article for it at  The question I still have about this is that converter passes the same text to both the url and caption.  How do you set the url and caption from different fields, so that it looks and functions like most links, which don't display the URL? Is there syntax to pass two parameters to a method, either by passing two fields into the converter or using multiple converters or bindTos, so that I can set the url and caption from different fields?


Janine White,

The  getUsrURLpageLink returns an object with two parameters. You can adjust the value, which is passed to the parameter. URL parameter will store the link. Caption parameter will be set to value from other field. 

Therefore, retrieve the needed value before return and use it in the caption parameter. The method will look somewhat like this:

getUsrURLpageLink: function(value) {
                var caption = this.get("Field");
                return {
                        "url": value,
                        "caption": caption



Anastasia Botezat,


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