Isolate data owned by Customer A, Customer B...

I have a client who does marketing for their customers and aim towards their (their customers) own Leads and Customers.Their need is handling their customers Leads and Contacts. Not just their own.

To do this the client want to isolate one of their customers Contacts and Leads from each other. They concidered having separate enrironments for every one of their cusomers.

The client want to have Customer As Contacts separate from Cusomer Bs Contacts.

Is there a way in bpm'online to have data in the system be isolated in some kind of way?

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Dear Julius,

You may add new types for Leads and Contacts that will separate them (or any other mark that will make a difference between records) and use process that will distribute access rights accordingly to the type of the record and everything connected with it. To ease access rights distribution you may create separate roles for each customer. 

Best regards,


Angela Reyes,

Yes I agree this is the best way. This client has very special ideas.

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