Import and related entity

Hi community,

Consider this scenario.

An Excel file with account name and account type columns.

I have to import this data into account table.

If the account type column contains  a value missing in the related table, creatio creates for me this value.

Is it possible to disable with an operation permission?

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Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent new records creation in objects during data import and we have a problem registered to our R&D team so to implement such a functionality.

This is due to the logic implemented in the import process.

The system adds missing values to its lookups in order to prevent data loss during the import process.


As an alternative solution I can recommend the following:

1. Remove the unwanted column from the file before the import, and add it after the process.

2. Match the naming of the file columns with Creatio's system naming.

3. If the problem is tied to creating a lot of duplicates in the system after imports, you can turn on Creatio's deduplication feature and merge the duplicates together.

I will let our R&D team know about your request so to raise the priority of the problem. Thank you for reporting this issue to us and helping us to make our application better!


Best regards,


Kate Karpik,

Thank you Kate


Is removing the add permission for a specific lookup a viable work-around?



Unfortunately, the offered solution will not solve this issue.

During the import process, the system checks for the correct access rights for the modification of the object (lookup in this case) of the user that initiated the process.

Hence why the users that lack needed rights will not be able to import the data.


If you were to restrict the access to the lookup, the data will not be added during the import, regardless if needed columns exist in the lookup or not.


Thank you.


Best regards,


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