
How to set custom filter for Chart Widget?

I have chart widget into page


modules: /**SCHEMA_MODULES*/{
			"Chart452beb29-7161-4b29-9f9d-f83d29ce5fc7": {
				"moduleId": "Chart452beb29-7161-4b29-9f9d-f83d29ce5fc7",
				"moduleName": "CardWidgetModule",
				"config": {
					"parameters": {
						"viewModelConfig": {
							"widgetKey": "Chart452beb29-7161-4b29-9f9d-f83d29ce5fc7",
							"recordId": "23ec46b0-0c9f-46d2-8b2d-b292c90aa7ad",
							"primaryColumnValue": {
								"getValueMethod": "getPrimaryColumnValue"

I want to change the filter so that the filtering takes place on a specific collection of records that comes from the web service

ex filter

id = ["23ec46b0-0c9f-46d2-8b2d-b292c90aa7ad", ["452beb29-7161-4b29-9f9d-f83d29ce5fc7"]

I could not find the table where the filtering settings for the Chart are stored

Where can I find the information I need?

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The settings of the widget can be found in the SysWidgetDashboard table (for example using the "recordId" parameter (in the code provided the Id is "23ec46b0-0c9f-46d2-8b2d-b292c90aa7ad" and the query should be:


SELECT * FROM "SysWidgetDashboard"

WHERE "Id" = '23ec46b0-0c9f-46d2-8b2d-b292c90aa7ad'


)). The filtration is stored in the "Items" column of the table. The problem here is that there is no way to dynamically pass Ids to this column. You can only try sending an UPDATE query (using Terrasoft.UpdateQuery sent from the client-side) to the SysWidgetDashboard table and this column and modify the "Items" column content of the widget once you receive a response from your webservice. This is the only way I can see here and it should be tested.


Best regards,


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