How to refresh the entire page without hard reload

I have a Section with a detail. If a field of a particular record in the detail is modified , the record name should be added as a field value in the section. 

I have written a refresh script task and have the update script. But it seems to be not working. On hard reload the update happens.

This is my scrip task code: 

UserConnection userConnection = Get("UserConnection");

Guid jobflowId = Get("JobFlowID");

string senderName = "UpdateSelectedCandidate";

string message = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new {

    RecordId = jobflowId


MsgChannelUtilities.PostMessage(userConnection, senderName, message);

return true;


This is my edit page code for refresh :

onEntityInitialized: function() {

                // onEntityInitialized method parent realization is called.


this.Terrasoft.ServerChannel.on(Terrasoft.EventName.ON_MESSAGE, this.onMessageReceived, this);


                destroy: function() {

                this.Terrasoft.ServerChannel.un(Terrasoft.EventName.ON_MESSAGE, this.onMessageReceived, this);



            onMessageReceived: function(sender, message) {

                if (message && message.Header && message.Body) {

                    var result = this.Ext.decode(message.Body);



                    if (message.Header.Sender === "UpdateSelectedCandidate" && this.get("Id") === result.RecordId) {

                        this.updateSectionCard({sectioncard: "UsrJobFlow1Page"});





I am aware that if a detail has to be refreshed the method name is this.updateDetail({detail: "Name of the detail"}). 

But if the entire edit page has to be refreshed i do not know the method name. 


Kindly help me resolve the same asap


Thanks & Regards,


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Dear Saranya,

You can easily use this marketplace application that allows refreshing either detail's and section's lists

Best regards,


Oscar Dylan

Dear Oscar,

We don't want any market place app to be installed. we are looking for a solution to be resolved through code. 

Kindly help us resolve the same

Thanks & Regards,


Sri Saranya,

Dear Saranya,

Since the logic is executed on the back-end, the page has to be reload for changes to display. However, there is an option to reload data on the page automatically by adding a method 'this.reloadEntity();'  to your custom code. As a result the page will be reloaded automatically by the system and changes will appear.

Also here is a community post regarding same question



Oscar Dylan,

Hi Oscar, I am using the command this.reloadEntity() on a page and wanted to check if there is a way to force cache cleaning. Thanks.

Danilo Lage,


Please note that you can`t influence on the browser`s cache even from the code since it is a part of browser functionality.

To clean cache and reload page you can use "hard reload" option or install browser plugin for it.

Best regards,


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