
Fixed filter on lookup page

Hello Community,


I'm looking possibility to add fixed filter on lookup page.


I know that in the view model schema in lookup config i can change lookup page for custom one.

    var config =  { lookupPageName :"UsrLookupModule",...}

On my own Lookup page i can use custom module LookupPageViewGenerator and new control in function getFilteringControlsConfig. But next i don't know how to extend onSearchButtonClick to apply additional filter.




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Hello Marcin,


onSearchButtonClick method is a part of LookupPageViewModelGenerator that is a module in the system so you need to override this module as described in this community post


The filter itself is stored in the "searchFilter" key of the "LookupInfo" object that is formed from the lookupInfo.filters key values in, for example, loadData method of the same LookupPageViewModelGenerator:


This could help in creating a default filter when opening the modal window of the lookup. Also loadData method is called in the onSearchButtonClick method (that is called when clicking the "Search" button) so I guess you also need to take a look at the loadData method as well.


Best regards,


Hello Marcin,


onSearchButtonClick method is a part of LookupPageViewModelGenerator that is a module in the system so you need to override this module as described in this community post


The filter itself is stored in the "searchFilter" key of the "LookupInfo" object that is formed from the lookupInfo.filters key values in, for example, loadData method of the same LookupPageViewModelGenerator:


This could help in creating a default filter when opening the modal window of the lookup. Also loadData method is called in the onSearchButtonClick method (that is called when clicking the "Search" button) so I guess you also need to take a look at the loadData method as well.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,


This is exactly what i'm looking for. Thank you for the full explanation.






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