Change Data Source in Column

As can be seen in the screenshot I created a field "Responsible sales" with Data Source "Contacts". This field has been in use for some time.

Is there a way to change the Data Source afterwards? I realized that I need a somewhat different selection in the field. The dropdown-arrow is greyed out and unclickable.

Of course I can recreate the field but I lose data and create clutter in my field list.

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Hello Christian,


usually, once you have saved the field you cannot change its data source - this is a base logic.

In separate cases, you are able to change the object itself, but if you already have any linked objects, it may cause errors in the system.


So we would recommend creating a new field or detail with a different data source.





thanks for the reply. I feared something like this - problem is that with this you create a lot of fields when using an agile approach with no option to delete them from the system.



unfortunately, this is the only option for now.


Please, let us know if you will need any further help.




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