Adding option to dialog box

I am trying to add an option to only copy products from one location.  Right now it copies all products, which is not helpful to us.  Does anyone know how to edit this dialog box?  I have found the process that creates the orders, but they have to choose the location to copy the current products from.  Has anyone had any luck with this.  I have included a picture of the dialog box I am trying to edit.  Is there is a better way than please let me know.




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Dear Timothy,

Can you please specify why "Select product" button is not suitable for your? It copies only selected products from the opportunity page to the created order. 


Angela Reyes,

It only displays the name of the product, and we need the address as well.  We want to copy products from one address to another.  


Timothy Lindsay,

Hi! You can set-up list of fields displayed in Select: Products (view -> select fields to display) do you may add field which displays address of the field. Does it solve you business task? 

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