Add fields on section wizard based on columns from an associated object (1 to 1 relationship)


I there a way to add fields on section wizard based on columns from an associated object (1 to 1 relationship)?

For example:

I have an object called 'account usage' that has a field for account and a list of numeric usage fields. I want to show the list of the fields on the account section.

Note that this is not a detail (not 1 to many), and I don't to create a detail for that because I'll have issues displaying the fields on dashboards.


I think it is the same question as - display column from the account object on the contact section without creating a new field to contact object (for example: Display the account's state on the contact section)

Waiting for your help.



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Hello Chani, 


There still will be a needed to add a new column to the object that will refer to the needed lookup from your other object. 

Once done, you will be able to apply the appropriate filtration for the newly created field with a help of business rule as described in the below article ("Add field values filter" action of business rule):…


Should you have any questions, please let us know!

Best regards, 



Anastasiia Zhuravel,

Your solution is creating a field for each field from the object and auto population it by a business rule, but that would create double fields of the list, 1 full list of fields on the  account page (that are being filled in by the rules) and one on the other object, so I don't gain anything. I wanted the account object to stay like it is and not add there tons of fields. 

What I want is to add the values on the account edit page without extending the account object.

Is there a way to do so?

Chani Karel,




There is no way to display the values from the connected object on the account edit page without "extending" (adding new fields) to the account object. 

Best regards, 


Anastasiia Zhuravel,

ok, thanks

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