1) In object you need set ON access by operations and publish object
2) On “Objects permissions” tab in configuration add roles “All portal users” and “All employees” for this object and manage access level for them
3) In Lookups section find lookup “List of objects available for portal users” and add your objects
4) If your object has edit page and you want see lookup value related to this object like a link you need paste this code to your page (change “UsrEntity1” to your object name and “UsrEntity1Page” to object’s edit page):
Enable lookup field link
methods: { init: function() { this.callParent(arguments); Terrasoft.configuration.ModuleStructure.UsrEntity1 = { cardSchema: "UsrEntity1Page" entitySchemaName: "UsrEntity1", pages: [{ UId: "", cardSchema: "UsrEntity1Page" }] }; Terrasoft.configuration.EntityStructure.UsrEntity1 = { entitySchemaName: "UsrEntity1", pages: [{ UId: "", typeColumnName: "", cardSchema: "UsrEntity1Page" }] }; } }
5) In order to view EntityStructure and ModuleStructure of your object, execute SQL script below:
DECLARE @TableName NVARCHAR(100) = 'Activity' -- Change to your object name SELECT ss.Name 'entitySchemaName', sh.Name 'cardSchema', sr.ColumnName 'typeColumnName', ed.TypeColumnValue 'UId' FROM SysModuleEdit ed INNER JOIN SysModuleEntity en ON ed.SysModuleEntityId = en.Id INNER JOIN SysSchema ss ON en.SysEntitySchemaUId = ss.UId INNER JOIN SysSchema sh ON ed.CardSchemaUId = sh.UId LEFT OUTER JOIN SysEntitySchemaReference sr ON sr.ColumnUId = en.TypeColumnUId AND sr.SysSchemaId = ss.Id WHERE ss.ExtendParent = 0 AND ss.Name = @TableName ORDER BY ed.Position